Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Colorful Chips That Turn Plastic Into Music

The Tangible Color Music Instrument The designer, Ryan Raffa, explains the process of his experiment on his website, "A camera above the lit platform provides information to my openFrameworks application that is looking for specific data points of hue, saturation, and value. As a virtual “radar” passes over combinations of colors, users are able to compose through exploring sound and the visual.."
Video Link
Ryan Raffa

To Hell with Lamps, This Chair Lights Itself

Why use two things when you could just use one good one? The product displayed is just one of many produced by Nieuwe Heren. Nieuwe Heren is a team of are two guys in their early twenties that share a passion in creating things and do not plan on stopping anytime soon.

Nieuwe Heren

Photoshop Tutorial Rap

Having trouble learning Photoshop?; fear no more. This rap about Photoshop helps bring some ease to those weary first time users who are overwhelmed by all the features of Photoshop. Although the video is mainly for comedic purposes, it's actually quite informative.

Video Link

A Flashing Digital Wonderland in Russia

Whoever said Russia is cold and dull must not have gone to the right art festival! Russuin telecom firm Yota is throwing a two week long art festival featuring concerts, panels, and, most visually stimulating, some pretty spectacular looking high-tech art installations. The entire festival takes place inside a 200 year old castle in Saint Petersburg.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Anna Akbari

Anna conducted a personal experiment for herself that was both very interesting and enlightening. It was surrounded by the concept of Ethnographic Exploration: the study of a culture to understand a culture. In her experiment she dressed up in multiple stereotypical personalities and lived out that day as that person. These identities included a tourist, homeless person, prostitute, lesbian, etc. She found that this was an empathy building process because of how much people's reactions to each persona varied. It was a test for audience perception.

Putting on masks is simply, as Anna says, image management. Being in control of the way you are perceived by the world is not a bad thing. If anything, it gives you self-power and helps you to better understand social theories.

A good example of someone who completely understood the importance of image management is Ralph Lauren. Ralph Lauren's real name is Ralph Lifshitz. However, this waspy-Jewish was not going to work for the lifestyle he wanted to lead. So what did he do? He changed his name and took on the persona of this new identity: Ralph Lauren. His confidence in turn boosted his career and helped him to sell his lifestyle to consumers through clothes.

She concluded our talk by putting into perspective how influential image management can prove to be when it comes to being hired. When you strategically use self-presentation, your confidence will shine through, your positivity will inspire, and your professionalism will hopefully get you a job!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Pipe Lights

"Eric Liftin, principal of MESH Architectures handcrafts pipe lights in a variety of configurations including custom insalls. The fixtures are made from iron plumbing pipe and almost have the appearance of tree branches. The fixtures cast a low, soft light akin to candlelight, but unlike candles these lamps can be switched or dimmed with a simple touch."

Pipe Lines

Smart Fridge

Designer Ashley Legg designed "The Smart Fridge" for those who have shunted cooking to a hobby and rely more on designer microwave meals. The idea is to give you a fridge that is intelligent enough to come up with a healthy recipe, depending on what you stock in it. Not only that, it guides you with vocal instructions, spoon by spoon, till you dish out the perfect-wholesome meal. A touch interface door glams up the appliance, creating the desire to own a piece that’s futuristic but may not be what you’re looking for!

Yanko Design

The Creators Project

James Powderly is a designer specializing somewhere between New Media and engineering. One of his projects was to get a bunch of "LED Throwies;" one LED light with a magnet attached to it. He threw up one single LED and left more on the floor for others to throw it up. By the end of the night the building was covered in these various LED lights. In one of his videos, he showcases a street art designer, Tony Kwan, who was diagnosed with a disease that disallowed him to control anything in his body other than his mind and eyes. Powderely designed a pair of glasses for Tony that would allow him to write with his eyes for the first time in seven years connecting a computer to follow and record his eye motion.

The Creators Project

Design Chairs by Ronen Kadushin

Ronen Kadushin's latest exhibition, Recent Uploads, is a collection of raw cut, exposed material open design chairs at the Appel Design Gallery in Berlin. The chairs on display are laser cut from a 6mm aluminum sheet, then bent and assembled by hand.

Says Kadushin, "Bending a piece this thick is made easy using a hallmark detail I formulated a few years back; the integral twist hinge, which makes it possible to plan an exact bending position in a computer drawing, and retain the structural integrity of the chair, as part of the cutout."

The collection of chairs is a design exploration into the opportunities that Open Design presents.


Special Problems

Special Problems

Campbell Hooper and Joel Kefali draw on their combined backgrounds in graphic design, fine art, film and music to present unique creative concepts, always inspired by the subject.

As a directing team Special Problems are adept in both live action and animation, and are immediately involved in all aspects of the production process.

The link below is for a music video they produced for a New Zealand band, The Naked and Famous.

Music Video

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Design a Nike Poster

Nike Shoes

Interview Your Avatar


Innovative Architecture


Victoria Monsul

Life: Post Graduate

Growing up, Victoria always found herself doing creative activities; from directing plays to experimenting with arts and crafts. She was curious to discover the world outside her small town, so she applied to schools in New York City. When she arrived at Pratt University, she felt more at home than ever before. The university was full of creative, curious individuals like herself and now she had plenty of people to explore with. She realized very early on that having a group of people she enjoyed spending time wuth helped her grow; her great ideas were influenced by friends around her and helped bring her ideas to the next level. When you're around people you understand you, it's easy to be yourself, and more importantly, you don't worry about making a fool of yourself. Victoria explained to us that it was her failures in life that allowed her to learn and grow the most. "If you;re not failing every day, then you're not setting high enough goals.

She left the class with a very powerful idea: The Power of Manifestation. When you have a thought, you can create it, as long as you seriously believe in yourself, anything is possible. you and you alone hold the key to your future, it just takes confidence, a positive attitude, and knowing how to fail

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The New-Age Message in a Bottle

"Someone in a band called "The Daylights" has a girlfriend who moved away to grad school. In an effort to prove to her that they can still be close, despite the distance, said bandmember got together with his friends and made a sweet (and may we add, excellently produced) music video."