Thursday, December 2, 2010

Victoria Monsul

Life: Post Graduate

Growing up, Victoria always found herself doing creative activities; from directing plays to experimenting with arts and crafts. She was curious to discover the world outside her small town, so she applied to schools in New York City. When she arrived at Pratt University, she felt more at home than ever before. The university was full of creative, curious individuals like herself and now she had plenty of people to explore with. She realized very early on that having a group of people she enjoyed spending time wuth helped her grow; her great ideas were influenced by friends around her and helped bring her ideas to the next level. When you're around people you understand you, it's easy to be yourself, and more importantly, you don't worry about making a fool of yourself. Victoria explained to us that it was her failures in life that allowed her to learn and grow the most. "If you;re not failing every day, then you're not setting high enough goals.

She left the class with a very powerful idea: The Power of Manifestation. When you have a thought, you can create it, as long as you seriously believe in yourself, anything is possible. you and you alone hold the key to your future, it just takes confidence, a positive attitude, and knowing how to fail

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